Besides picking my wedding dress, choosing the right look for The Beauty Girl website has been the most tedious, drawn out process of my life. Seriously. Finding my husband was a walk in the park! Well, I’m so glad and relieved to finally introduce you to the new and improved We’ve come a long way and gotten to know each other since my inaugural post. This redesign has been been months and months in the making, and I hope that you find the updated site, logo and tools user friendly, easy to navigate and downright pretty. I’ve added features like my highlight reel, the option to read related stories in each post, a video describing The Beauty Girl Parties & Events, a Press page and more. So, please take a look-see, play around and take it all in. As the saying goes, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. My goal is that I met your expectations. Either way, I’d love to hear what you think. xo, Nicole Pearl, The Beauty Girl

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