Photo Credit: Jessica Mitchell Photography
Austin has been a city on my list of places to visit for a long time. My girlfriends and I have talked about doing a girl’s weekend there forever. It takes a lot of planning and a bit of luck to find a weekend that allows all of us busy moms to escape. Fortunately, work brought me there this past November. Apparently it never rains in Austin, except for the 48 hours I was there. But that didn’t hold me back from checking out the best spots like Uncommon Objects and Feathers vintage boutique. Follow me on instagram to see my city tour. But back to work: As many of you know, I partner with The Bump Club on an awesome event for moms and moms-to-be. We’ve held it in Chicago for the past few years (here are photos from our last one). It’s become such a popular event that we decided to take it to Austin this year, and I’m so glad we did. All of the moms were friendly, sweet and peppy. I’ve never gotten more "woo hoos" from a presentation I’ve done than at this event. Or maybe I should chalk up the enthusiasm to the fact that this event is purely for these women, who usually put everyone else first, to focus on themselves. They eat and drink (and drink) while they’re treated to a night of spa services. Oh, and I should mention that our gift bags and raffles have earned quite the reputation. Scroll down to enjoy highlights from our first mom’s beauty bash in Austin. And for those in Chicago, stay tuned because we’re planning our next one for Feb. 10th!
The moms and moms-to-be felt rejuvinated after being treated to the works: makeup, manis, hair styling, eyebrow shaping, lash extensions, nail art and more.
We loved having such fabulous sponsors on board: Aveeno, DenTek, Palmers, Eco Tools, Color Me and Mini Boden. Of course the raffle is also exciting as our guests took home big-ticket prizes like a weekend for 6 girlfriends at a Bed and Breakfast and a $1000 shopping spree to Mini Boden!
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