Not sure about you, but I’m burnt out. Between the kids and work, I get tired and rundown. I was thinking how nice it’d be to have a spa day for myself. You know, a little "me time" to reboot. I’m sure I’m not the only one feeling this way, so I decided to create this giveaway to give you the chance to recreate a spa experience in your home. I love Bliss spa and their products, and you will too as soon as you indulge in this amazing prize package of pampering products worth $185! It’s everything you need to treat yourself from head to toe. Read on to enter.
The goodies include: Bliss Grapefruit+Aloe Body Butter, Bliss Lemon+Sage Body Scrub, (it has the same scent as the best-selling butter), Bliss Glamour Gloves, Bliss Foot Patrol, and Bliss Multi-Face-Eted All-In-One Anti-Aging Clay Mask (this product just launched, and we love it so much, you’ll be seeing it featured in an upcoming video on TBG).
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